Monday, April 30, 2012

Positive Thoughts

I posted on the BirminghamMommies forum tonight asking everyone to write a positive comment about the person above.  It got me thinking.  How often do we compliment those around us?  I used to strive to compliment as many people as possible each day.  I wanted it to become a habit.
They say that it takes 30 days to make something a habit.  That seems like a long time, but really why should it be hard to make a positive impact on someone?  I have been a "Negative Nancy" since I lost my job, but  I want to turn that around.  I want my kids to see me happy and I want them to see me doing and saying nice things for anyone we pass.
I challenge each of you to do them same.  What's the point in being a "Debbie Downer" all the time?  Make a positive impact in one way or another to as many people as you can every day!

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